Aging and the Law: Global Context and the Indian milieu
Dr. R. R. Kishore, MD, LLB Advocate Supreme Court of India President, Indian Society for Health Laws and Ethics, Telfax: 91-11-40570705; Mob: 9667937465 email: [email protected] That time of year thou mayst in me beholdWhen yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hangUpon those boughs which shake against the cold,Bare ruined choirs, where late the
Neglect of the old age people is a universal phenomenon. WHO is doing it’s part to solve the problem.
Yoga and meditation has a definite role to play in boosting up the morale of the affected .
My Dear Nirmal,
I appreciate your quick response on the topic (Healthy Ageing). Is it possible for you to make a longitudinal study of some of the persons where we can conclude that yoga and meditation can boost up the morale of the aged.
when we met last you have told me that at the age when you are 75 years, you are looking young, active and healthy because of not having any disease. Can you make a write up as your own story that what are the factors responsible for such good health.