Healthy Ageing - ANDROPAUSE
ANDROPAUSE - What is it and how does it affect you?
Manage your Age
How to manage your age and stay healthy?


We are proud to present the

Second Annual Conference of
The Indian Association of Age Management at
Hotel Ashoka, Chanakyapuri,  New Delhi.

We request the pleasure of your participation on this momentous occasion packed with highly acclaimed faculty lectures and distinguished guests.

Date: 13 April 2024, Sunday
Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM

President IAAM:
Dr Suresh Bansal
Organising Chairman:
Dr Shiva Shankar Jha
Chairman IAAM:
Prof Ved Parkash Bansal

Ageing is the process of becoming older. Physiologically ageing can refer to single cells within an organism which have ceased dividing.

Face is an index of Ageing. On looking an individual on the face, hand and body certain changes like dry, dull, glow-less, wrinkled, sagging, thin and patchy and itchy skin are obvious. In addition lines in different directions, dark spots and open spores on the skin may also be seen. If one lifts up the skin over the back of hand it can easily be pinched. As one ages the different facial creases of the face and forehead become prominent. The more the age, the more and the more prominent are the creases on face.

Man is not immortal. The one who is born would definitely get aged and bound to die but the age at which one dies may vary. Ageing affects almost all the organs in the body, thus ageing is a process of diminution of certain functions of different organs in the body. Total failure of certain organs particularly heart, lungs, brain and liver lead to death.

The first sign of ageing is drooping of upper eyelids that make eyes appear smaller. Similarly the upper lip also begins to sink.

Indian-senior-citizens-age-managementAgeing is a physiological, biological, pathological and psychological phenomenon. Thus ageing is a complex entity. Ageing involves number of systems in the body thereby presenting to the scientists in different forms which may be difficult to understand, differentiate and interpret. If the physician is unable to diagnose a disease based on clinical symptoms, signs and investigations, ageing may be considered. Ageing is a syndrome which is mixture of certain diseases, thus ageing present as mixture of signs and symptoms of certain diseases. If in an old individual the physician is confused about the diagnosis, think of ageing. Ageing may affect any number of systems but I label a person as aged if there is involvement of at least three systems in him.

The cause of ageing is still not known though various factors are known based on certain symptoms and signs, and their correlation with certain investigations.

Similarly no treatment is available to stop the progression of ageing though based on certain observations as in preceding paragraph the ageing can be more comfortable and progression may be slowed. World over research is going on if progression of ageing can be stopped and longevity of life of the human beings can be increased. The website is dedicated to think, research, decide, suggest and act in these directions.

Aims and Objectives

  • Our Philosophy is ‘’Add Life to Years’’.
  • IAAM is an integrated health and wellness organisation that focuses on improving the health of ageing population.
  • Prevention is better. Our aim is to detect medical, diet exercise & lifestyle issues, before they affect your body through screening test of blood and other organs in the body and to guide the aged accordingly.
  • Depending upon the symptoms of the individual, the aim is to detect the cause of ageing through battery of some other vital investigations.
  • Based on the investigations the deficiencies in the body are detected and accordingly replaced.
  • In the management, stress is also laid to guide upon the lifestyle, diet, exercises, and ancient Indian protocols including Yoga and other modalities.
  • WHO has declared 2021-2030 as ‘A decade for healthy ageing’. The slogan of the association is similar. The association shall also follow the guidelines issued by WHO on this score.
  • Ageing is a multi-disciplinary disease. Therefore, depending upon the medical discipline involved the management of such patients shall be done under one roof through consultation of the various specialists either during physical presence or through online consultation.
  • Aim is also to investigate the ageing population and reclaim the lost energy and vigour, sharpen thinking, decrease body fat and improve the strength and bulk of the muscles which become lean due to age.
  • Our protocol includes Hormone Replacement Therapy, Weight Loss Management and Sexual Health.
  • We serve people around the country. Our team is located in different cities in India. If any patient needs help from a team member outside the place of his/her city where being consulted, such patients shall get the advice without any extra financial impact.

Guidance on Safe Motherhood

Dr Sushma Chawla

  • Radio Talk 11.04.2023 at 12:30pm on safe motherhood.


  • Chawla Nursing Home & Maternity Hospital, Jalandhar (Pb) India
