Webinar on Covid-19 in Senior Citizens

Date: 16th May 2020 (Sat)
Time: 7 - 8pm (IST)
During this difficult time due to Corona Virus, Indian Association of Age Management, will be conducting a webinar on 16th May 2020 (Saturday). It will from 7pm to 8pm IST. Details of the webinar shall be updated soon.
Do try to join the webinar.
We also encourage you to become a Member of Indian Association of Age Management by applying online. Due to lockdown situation we will not be able to process the Membership fees but you will be contacted later when the situation improves and gets under control in New Delhi. Thanks for your patience.

Watch the recording of Live Webinar on Covid-19 in Senior Citizens.
Date: 16th May 2020
Webinar was live telecasted on Facebook and also through the Online Streaming. It was attended by over 55 people across the globe.
Thanks for your support and appreciation on this topic at this delicate time when the whole world is in turmoil due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Some Comments from the Valued listeners of the Webinar
and public point of view. Type of masks by different persons ie treating doctors, medical staff , patients general public should use.
Naresh Khanna · Friends with Suresh Kumar Bansal · 2:23:49
- The law in US would be for every elective surgery we will have to do.
- Nice Job done, gentlemen.
- Everybody in OR will be tested for Covid-19
Some Useful Comments from AMICON 2020 attendees.....
Very Interactive Age Management Group

It was pleasure interacting with age management group. Let us start with ourselves and be practical before we tell others. Do let me know how and where we started.
Thanks Dr V.P. Bansal, Dr Kajla for great hospitality and congratulations for successful conclusion of 1 st meeting of the year.I will keep you informed about steps taken at my end for the age management at Jalandhar. All the best
Webinar on Covid 19

Webinar on Covid 19 was quite informative from medical and public point of view. Type of masks by different persons ie treating doctors, medical staff , patients general public should use.
Great to organise meeting on Age Management India

Congratulations Ved ji for arranging such elaborate meeting for age management
You have so many participants with freshest ideas . I am going to miss it and would have gotten a chance to meet your family and friends.
Very Informative Scientific Meeting – AMICON 2020

Dear Prof Bansal. Thank you for arranging a very informative scientific meeting on Age management It was really a memorable evening for me I got a chance to meet you ,Dr Kajla, Dr Saransh and Dr Suresh whom I met now after nearly 30yrs .I have heard Dr Sushma’s name from my wife number of times, met her in-person first time.Rest of the people from Delhi I met first’ time. I hope we’ll have more of such meetings in future
I am grateful to Dr Shubank for taking me to the place of this meeting and helping in other arrangements He is a very close friend and very helpful person
Thanks from the Organiser/s

Dr Dhariwal, It was my pleasure to meet you after about 4 years. I am grateful to you to have accepted my invitation to come all the way from Mohali. Your comments encouraged me to continue with the aim.
I am grateful to all my friends for attending a small meeting and be a part of the same.. your presence and the comments have encouraged me to continue working on this subject for the aged.
Plethora of Information

Dr S.K. Bansal neurologist had been very confidentially experienced to contribute better knowledge on the subject. Dr. Ashish urologist enlightened on urological problems of aging and aged very nicely. Dr. NC Gupta orthopaedic surgeon showed nice tips on yoga meditation with respectful words spoken for professor VP Bansal. Dr. Sushma Chawla Gynaecologist from Jullundher made practical useful recommendations with help of multicolored ribbon presentation through her slides. Professor Dhaliwal cardiothoracic surgeon and Dr Gautam Psychiatrist also chaired sessions making nice useful comments. Alpha waves of brain get stimulated through pranayam and meditation besides yoga. It was enlightening discussion
Informative Meeting on Age Management

Very informative meeting and brilliant presentations from the speakers. It was an honour to be a part of it. Congratulations to Prof. V P Bansal sir for this new venture. Hope the association flourishes further and gains it’s true objectives in the coming years
Great Interactive Meeting on Age Management – First of its kind !!

Thank you all for your lovely presence.
It was a pleasure meeting you all.
Looking forward to more interactions in the future.