INDIAN  ASSOCIATION  OF  AGE  MANAGEMENT    herein after called Society.


In these rules & regulations unless there is any  thing repugnant in the subject of context, the following expressions shall have the meaning set out below

1) “SOCIETY” means Indian Association of Age Management.

2) RULES & REGULATIONS means and include these Rules and Regulations and such modifications  as may be duly authorised in future.

3) “COMMITEE” means the body of society constituted for particular assignments under these Rules and Regulations.

4) “OFFICE” means the authorised office of the society.

5) “PRESIDENT” shall include the Vice Presidents or any acting President.

6) “FUND” shall mean the funds of the Society.

7) ” MEMBER” shall mean a member of Society.

  2. i) There shall be two categories of members viz :
  4. b) Annual Member
  5. ii) Any person who believes and interested in and agrees to render full cooperation for the full fillment of aims, objects and purpose of the association shall be eligible for membership.

iii)        Any such person wishing to become a member of the society shall apply in the prescribed application form with such particulars and fees as may be prescribed by the Managing Commitee from time to time. Decision as to interpretation of conditions and qualifications for the membership shall vest with the Managing Commitee, who may refuse any application without assigning any reason or may admit the applicant to the membership of the societyat  its  sole discretion.

  1. iv) A member shall pay annual subscription, as per tarriff mentioned here under.

Every person who as an organisation who is desirous in taking membership of the Society, shall pay a sum of Rs 5100/ (rupees five thousand and one hundred only ) along with application form as Entrance Fees, which would be pay ble once in lifetime.

Every person who as an individual is desirous in taking membership of the Society, shall pay a sum of Rs 2100? ( rupees two thousand one hundred only) along with application form as Entrance Fees, which would be pay ble one time in life time.


– Every person who is an organisation member of the society, shall pay a sum of Rs 2100/ (Twentyone hundred only) annual membership fees every calender year.

-Every person who is an individual member of the society, shall pay a sum of Rs 1100 ( rupeesEleven hundred only )as annual membership fees every calender year.

  1. v) Annual subscription shall become due and payble on the 1st of April each year in respect of ensuing period of twelve months provided that a member admitted to the membership as from1st October shall pay 50% of the annual subscription in respect of that year. Annual subscription shall be paid within two months from due date.
  1. vi) In case of any default in the payment of subscription by any member a penalty of Rs 500-(rupees five hundred) for the first year and if such default continues for the next years, penalty shall be doubled in each subsequent year and if annual membership is not paid for five years then the membership is terminated without giving any notice.

vii)                   The annual subscription may get refixed from time to time as may be decided by the Managing Commitee.


A member of Society shall cease to be the member of the Society on the happening of any of the following events :

  1. i) On his/ her/ its resignation being accepted by Managing Commitee.
  2. ii) On his/her death, or permanent disability or lunacy or moral turpitude

iii) or his/her/its/ failure to pay the dues of the society for five years and inspite of the final notice given under the approval of Managing Commitee in these circumstances  the termination of membership, the member has the right to represent to managing commitee and if the two thirds of members of the managing commitee agree, he/she can be inducted as the member again provided all its arrears of annual membership fees along with penalty is paid.

  1. iv) On the Managing Commitee finding by two third majority that the member has ceased to exist or to represent the interest which he/she/it sought to represent.
  1. v) On a general meeting of the society finding by majority of two thirds of the members present there at that a member has been acting in derogation of the interest of the Society inspite of a written notice to the effect from the Managing Commitee decided upon by a majority of two third of members present, provided that at least two months notice  before the date of general meeting shall have been given to the member concerned.
  2. i) A member of Society shall be entitled to all the priviledges aminities and facilities available therein and to attend all functions organised by the Society.
  3. ii) All members who have become the life member paid their dues to the society for a period of three years continuously shall be eligible for election as member of the Managing Commitee and as Office bearer of the Society. For the purpose of election a member can contest/ apply for one post only.
  5. i) There shall be held in each year a general meeting called the Annual General Meeting of the Society at such place in the boundry of National Capital Territory of Meeting of The Society at such place in the boundry of National Capital Territory of Delhi and time as may be fixed by the Managing Commitee. All other general meetings shall be special / extraordinary General meetings.
  6. ii) The special /extra  Ordinary general meeting may be convened by the Managing Commitee of its own accord or on the requisition of at least fifty one percent members of the Society who have paid all their dues and are entitled to vote, addressed to the Chairman specifying the object for which the meeting is to be convened. On receipt of such requisition, the chairman shall cause a meeting to be convened within two months of the receipt of the requisition at such place in the boundry of National Capital Territory of Delhi and during normal working hours except holiday. The general secretary shall give at least 21 days notice and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting. If the chairman fails to call a meeting as aforesaid, the majority of requsitionists may call a meeting within one month from the expiry of the period of two months provided above.

iii)        All general meetings of the Society shall be convened by a written circular sent to the members by the General Secretary or by any person appointed by the Managing  Commitee.

  2. i) An organisation member whether a body corporate or not may by a resolution of it’s  board of Directors or other governing body authorise such person or persons ( not below the rank of Manager ) as it think fit to act as its representative at any general meeting of the Society.

Provided a certified true copy of the resolution is deposited with the office of the society 24 hours before the time of meeting.

  1. ii) An individual member may authorise such person or persons (proxy or proxies) as it think fit to act its representative at any general meeting of Society 24 hours before time of the meeting.

iii)       A person authorise by resolution as aforesaid shall be entitled to exercise the same rights and power on behalf of the body corporate/ organisation, which he represents as that body, could exercise if it were an individual member.

  1. iv) A member shall be entitled to vote in the election of members of the Managing Commitee only if he/she/it satisfies the following conditions:
  2. a) He/She/it is on the roll of members on the 15th February of that financial year :
  3. b) He/ she/it has paid subscription for that year including arrears and others dues, if any, on or before 15th February  of that financial year or up extended date, if any.
  1.  QUORUM:  
  2. i) The quorum required to constitute a general meeting of the Society shall not be less tan 25 percent of the total number of members of the Society of five members whichever is less, present in person or by proxy.
  3. ii) If within forty five minutes from the appointed time of the meeting there is no requisite quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same place and time and and if at such adjourned meeting, there is no requisite.

iii)       Quorum the members present in person or by proxy shall form the quorum and shall be entitled to conduct the prescribed business of the Society.


1)        The managing commitee shall convene every year an annual General Meeting of the Society with in six months of close of the financial year. Every notice calling the Annual General Meeting shall state the business, the date, time and place at which such meeting will be held and shall be served on every member not less than twenty one days before the date appointed for the meeting. Provided that accidental omission to give notice or non receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting. Chairman will preside at all meetings of the Society and in his absense senior most President. In the absence of Chairman, Presidents, the members present shall elect a person to preside at the meeting.

  1. ii) The business of Annual General Meeting shall be:

(a) to consider annual report and statement of accounts including                   audited balance sheet for the year.

(b) to announce the names of elected members of the Managing                  Commitee.

(c) to appoint the auditors of the Society and fix their                                             remuneration and remove any one of them.

(d) to transact such other business as may be brought before the                meeting with the permission of the Chairman.

iii)       At all general meeting of the Society, question shall ordinarily be            determined by majority of the votes of Society members present            and  voting unless otherwise stated in these rules. In case of equality of votes, the chairman shall have a second or casting vote and his decisions shall be final.


 i) The Association shall be supreme Authority, empowered to take all measures necessary for attainment of objects specified in the Memorandum of the Society.

  1. ii) The management of the affairs and funds of the Society shall vests with the Managing Commitee who shall be entitled to exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as the Society is authorised to exercise and do.

The Managing Commitee shall have following powers:

  1. i) To perform all managing functions, duties and to carry on the work of Society in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of the Society.
  1. ii) To take offices for the use of Society; to defy all necessary expenses and to appoint such officers as may be found necessary for due conduct of the business of the Society with monthly salaries or otherwise.

iii)       To act in the name of the Society and to take such steps as they may consider necessary or expedient for giving effect to the resolutions passed at the general meetings of the Society and generally to exercise all powers and functions of the Society not hereby exclusively conferred upon the general body of the Society.

  1. iv) To appoint commitees; sub commitees; adhock Commitees; working groups and the like and to delegate to them such functions on such terms and conditions as the Managing Commitee may from time to time deem fit and proper.
  1. v) To nominate Managing members which shall not constitute more than 10% of the Total members of the Society.
  1. vi) To appoint officers/ staffs, fix their renumeration and remove any one of them.

vii)      To constitute conduct defend or compound any legal proceedings by  or against the Society.

viii)     To invest and deal with any money of the Society not immediately required for the purpose thereof upon such securities and in such manner as they may think fit from time to time.

  1. ix) To present annual reports on the affairs of the Society and a statement of accounts including audited balance sheet and income & expenditure account of the Society with due audit report by the auditors at each annual general meeting of the Society.
  1. x) To open bank accounts and to pay money into and draw money from any such account from time to time.
  1. xi) To delegate authorities, powers to Chairman, President, General Secretary, Treasurer and any other officer of the Society and in the like manner withdraw such authorities and powers as it may deem fit and proper.

xii)       To perform any other functions as may be assigned to it by the Society from time to time.


 i) The managing Commitee shall consist of atleast five and not more than nine members.

  1. ii) The Managing Commitee will comprise the following :-

1) Chairman-1                      By co-option

2) President-1                       By Election

3) Vice Presidents-1           By Election

4) General Secretary-1      By Election

5) Joint- Secretaries -2      By Election

6) Treasurer-1                      By Election

iii)       If the election could not be held at AGM for the valid reason then it shall require sanction of two third majority of the Managing Commitee.

  1. iv) The Managing Commitee shall be nominated by the Managing Commitee and will assist to the managing Commitee by being nominated on the various commitees sub commitees and groups.
  2. v) The Managing Commitee shall appoint an election officer who will be responsible for issuing notice for election, scrutinise the nominations, announcing the name of contestants/withdrawls, supervising the elections and declaring results, acting as administrator and a judge for the completion of the election process at AGM.
  3. vi) Any vacancy which may occur due to the sudden death of any member or resignation from the Managing Committee or from any other reason during the tenure of the Managing Commitee may be filled by the remaining members of the Managing Commitee from amongst the members of the Society or in any other manner as the Society may prescribe. Such appointment shall be for a maximum period of 90 days. For regular appointment ( i.e. appointment upto next regular election ) the Managing Commitee shall hold election to fill that casual vacancy within 90 days from the date of casual vacancy.

The tenure of Managing Commitee and Executive Commitee shall be from the conclusion of the one annual general meeting to the conclusion of the two alternate annual general meeting ( viz. three years ) and all the members of the Managing Commitee shall retire at the alternate annual general meeting. The managing Commitee shall be elected by the majority of votes at the annual general meeting.


 i) The Managing Commitee  shall meet at least once in three months. The Chairman shall convene the meeting of the Managing Commitee by notice issued under the hands of the member Secretary or such other officer as may be appointed.

  1. ii) Meeting of Managing Commitee shall be held at such places and at such times as will be fixed by the Chairman. The Chairman shall cause a meeting to be called if so required by at least ten members of the Managing Commitee.

iii)       The General Secretary shall arrange the business of the meeting and records the minutes of the proceeding.

  1. iv) Questions before the Managing Commitee shall be decided by a majority of the votes of members present. In case of any equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.
  1. iv) The General Secretary shall record the minutes and they shall be circulated amongst members and signed by the Chairman after confirmation at a subsequent meeting of the Managing Commitee.

The quorum required to constitute a meeting of the  Managing Commitee  shall not be less than five members personally present.


          A register of members shall be maintained in which shall be entered such information about the members as the Managing Commitee may decide. The register shall be open to inspection during office hours at the office of the Society by officers or members on payment of such fees and upon giving such intimation as may be, from time to time, be prescribed by the Managing Commitee in this behalf.

  1. FUNDS

The funds of the Society shall be deposited in a scheduled bank and such part thereof as shall not be required for current expenses may at the direction of Managing Commitee be invested in such manner as Managing Commitee may decide from time to time.


 The bank account of the Society will be operated by cheques signed by two members of the Managing Commitee  jointly , which  shall be amongst the Chairman, President, Member Secretary, Joint Secretary. Treasurer or such other officer or combination there as may be authorised by the Managing Commitee from time to time.


The financial year of the Society shall be from the first (1st) April to thirty first (31st) March of the following year. However the first financial year of the Society shall be from the date of registeration till 31st March of the following year.

The Managing Commitee shall cause to maintain proper books of  the accounts of the Society and other relevant records and prepare the annual statement of accounts including the balance sheet in such form as prescribed under any other law for the time being in force as prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India. The accounts of the Society shall be open for inspection to  members during office hours at the office of Society on payment of such fees and upon giving such intimation as may, from time to time be prescribed by Managing Commitee in this behalf.

The accounts of the Society shall be audited annually by a Chartered Accountant duely appointed for the purpose by the Society in each Annual General Meeting. The first auditor will however be appointed by the Managing Commitee to hold office until the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting of the Association.


            Once in every year the list of members of the Managing Commitee shall be filed with Registrar of The Society as required under section 4 of Societies Registeration Act 1860


The Society may sue or may be sued in name of Chairman/ Member Secretary or any other officer as may be decided by Managing Commitee as per provision of section of Society Registeration Act, 1860


The Society shall have full power and authority to frame, amend or repeat any rules regulations and bye laws or guidelines for furtherance of the objects and in particular for matters relating to appointments, election, resignation of the Managing Commitee.


           Amendments, alterations, abridgements or extensions of aims and objects or amalgamation  with any other Society or change of name or change in the rules and regulatins of the Society shall be carried out in accordance with the provision of section 12 and 12 A of the Society Registeration Act, 1860 as applicable in the National Capital Territory of Delhi.


If Society needs to be dissolved it shall be dissolved as per provisions laid down under section 13 & 14 of the Society Registeration Act,1 860 as applicable in National Capital Territory of Delhi.


Certified that this is the correct copy of Rules & Regulations of The Society.

(…………………………….)   (……………………………)     (…………………………)

Chairman                                           President                   General Secretary

(…………………………….)       (…………………………..)

Treasurr                             Vice President